首页 > 培训 > 海口 > 安卡职业培训中心


更新时间:2016-06-27 16:27:54
  • 推荐指数:8

  • 教育类型:就业指导     所在城市:海口

  • 机构电话:

  • 机构地址:海南省海口市玉沙路16号富豪大厦C座北楼2103及2109室

  • 官方网站:

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  • 安卡职业培训中心介绍:

    ANKA is a Well-known Educational and Training Institution, set to training the students who are seeking to go abroad, or go to Canada to work as Live-in Caregivers.安卡职业培训中心,系经劳动厅核准注册的具有社会力量办学许可证的合法办学机构,许可证号:老社民4600002000067号.提供涉外保姆,即加拿大住家保姆培训班,为期六个月,全日制,全外教,全英文教学, 茶艺插花,酒店培训,旅游培训,及其他综合性英语技能,快速英文课程(SEP) 等等.Our Six-Month Live-in Caregiver Training Course (LCTC) is designed by using Canadian Nanny Association Teaching Curriculum and Text Materials, fully conducted and taught in English Language, and by experienced foreign teachers.我们的六个月加拿大住家保姆培训班采用加拿大保姆协会提供的教材,及教学辅助音像资料,有具有丰富经验的外国老师执教。ANKA first launced its LCTC class in 2002 in Fuzhou, Fujian province, thenafter, set up its Guangzhou and Hainan Training Centers in 2003 and in 2005. Right now, we have more training centers in various Chinese cities than any other training institutions of this kind.安卡,自2002年在福建省福州市首开加拿大住家保姆培训班,然后于2003年在广州开设培训班,于2005年在海南省海口市开设培训班,2009年在北京开设同类课程,中国其他城市开设课程情形正在考察中。。。ANKA is devoted to Professional Excellence, Strict Teaching Methods, Our graduates are now working in various provinces or cities throughout Canada. The feedback from our employer families are very good, we received great confidence in our efforts and on-going renovations in our training programmes.安卡秉承专业至上,严谨教学宗旨。安卡毕业生现已工作在海外,加拿大各大城市都有安卡学员的身影,雇佣安卡学员的雇主给我们的反馈是非常好的, 这些反馈给了安卡员工,从业人员巨大的鼓舞,安卡会以自信,自强的态度,继续改进和加强我们提供的培训项目。


