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更新时间:2016-06-27 21:01:48
  • 推荐指数:8

  • 教育类型:西班牙语     所在城市:青岛

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  • 机构地址:青岛市市南区高雄路18号海洋大厦

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  • 青岛新标点外语介绍:

    新标点外语学校经市教育局批准成立于2001年。经过多年发展,现已发展为融多语种培训、各类考试辅导、团训、就业指导、留学指导服务等于一体的语种门类齐全、特色和优势鲜明的综合性语言培训机构。(2012年6月18日是学校成立十一周年的校庆大喜日子,学校全体同仁感谢这十多年来上级领导、广大家长和学员、社会各界人士和团体对青岛新标点外语学校的大力支持和厚爱。)每年,新标点以其独特教学魅力和雄厚师资吸引着近万名学员的加入,并使他们逐渐成长为推动经济发展的商贸精英和留学英才。学校也因此得到了多家媒体的报道。而多年来的精心教学服务工作也获得了社会各界广泛认可,先后多次被政府、媒体评为:“省市先进办学单位”、“最受信赖的教育品牌”、“青岛市诚信和谐教育品牌联盟单位”、“最佳外语培训机构”等荣誉称号。新标点学校也因此获得了在外语培训市场的领先地位,成为外语培训的领航品牌。◆雄厚的师资在多年的外语培训经历中,新标点的所有事务由多年教学培训专家管理。100多位中外籍优秀语言教师能对学员的实际情况即时提供极具针对性个化的定制式培训和授课。◆品类齐全的教育文化服务项目新标点为满足市场需求,共开设了英语、日语、韩语、西班牙、法语、德语等多语种培训系列、考试辅导培训、团体培训、出国留学、翻译服务,针对不同学员的多样化需求,又对每个语种培训系列细分化的开设了不同的学习班。◆灵活的学习选择学校各类语言均可以从零基础(发音)开始培训到语种的最高级;学校设有:VIP班、全日制班、周末班(周六、周日)、晚班(一三五、二四六)、寒暑假等。为方便学员,新标点在青岛地区共设立高雄路18号海洋大厦4楼(青岛大学西门对面)、开发区长江中路226号银领汇都B座1206室(瑞泰利群楼上)2个校区和威海路203号盛锡福大厦5楼515室(北京奥鹏)1个咨询区,并继续筹划设立其他咨询学习校区,学员可以就近咨询及学习。同时,新标点还为学员提供了网上报名服务。为提高学员的学习积极性和热情,新标点也专门设立了高额奖学金。◆出众的考试升学成绩新标点无论是培训质量、培训人数、还是培训成绩都属顶尖水平,所开设的全国公共英语等级考试辅导班及日语和韩语等级考试辅导班的通过率平均值均位居前列,其不俗的成绩引来了知名电视、网络、纸媒体的争相报道。◆强势的就业能力培养新标点学校专心服务学员就业,专门建立了 “学员成长中心”, 为学员提供一个交流的平台,让各期学子相互交流多语种学习经验、传授就业经历、探讨职场心得等等。目的也是让我们的学员有一个大家庭的感觉,找到温馨,找到自信!就在这种实实在在的服务中,新标点为包括海尔、卡西欧、巴黎春天等著名企事业单位提供数百名精通各类语言的高技术人才。◆专业的出国留学咨询新标点以其多语种培训领域的专业优势,每年都向多个国家输送超过数百名的优秀海外留学生。为中国的日益强盛提供了重要的人才资源。◆完善的学员服务学校也为学员学习后的各类途径提供了方便,解除学员的后顾之忧。学校对学习优秀者推荐就业;与知名正规的留学、务工中介长期友好的合作,为学员留学、互惠、务工开通方便之门;并与全国知名学府合作,可提供大专、本科等成人教育学历指导培训。新标点学校全体员工遵守“诚信、和谐、激情、发展”的办学理念,恪尽职守,勤奋工作,以创造高质量的外语教学环境为己任。在新标点学校全体同仁的同心协力努力下,提供给您专业周到的外语培训!Founded in 2001 with the approval of Qingdao Bureau of Education, Xinbiaodian Foreign Language School has developed into a comprehensive language training institution combining foreign language training, test coaching, company-employee training, employment guidance, and overseas study guidance and so on.Each year, with our unique teaching methods and experienced teachers, our school recruits nearly 10,000 students, which have developed into business elites and overseas excellent students. As a result, our school has won great reputation among many media and various circles of society. We have received honorary titles like “ Advanced education unit”, “the most reliable education brand”, “Qingdao faith and harmony education brand ”,”the best foreign language training school”. Therefore, our school has established its leading role in foreign language training market.◆excellent teachersAll through the years, we have experienced training experts in charge of all the school affairs . we have over 100 excellent teachers available both at home and abroad to provide highly targeted and specific training courses according to the actual abilities of the studentsEducational and cultural services covering extensive fieldsTo satisfy market demand, Xinbiaodian School provides foreign language training series, including English,Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French and German, and test coaching, group training, overseas study and translation service. In the meanwhile, we establish different classes for the same language according to students’various requirements.◆flexible learning choicesAll the languages start from the very beginning (pronunciation)to the top level. We have full-time Classes(released from regular work for study), daytime classes(morning, afternoon), evening classes(on alternate evenings), weekend classes(Saturday, sunday)◆high scoresEither from training quality, student number, or from training achievements, we rank the top level. PETS coaching and Japanese and Korean grade examination coaching rank among the best, which win our school massive media coverage of well-known TV program, network, newspapers and magazines.◆cultivating high capability of finding employmentTaking students’ employment into consideration , Xinbiaodian School established “student growth center”to provide the students with a communicating platform for students to communicate learning and employment experience, and explore workplace experience. We aim to help our students have a strong sense of belongingness. All through the years we provide a lot of top talents for such well-known enterprises as Haier, Casio and Spring Temps.◆specialized overseas study enquiryThanks to our professional advantages in foreign language training fields, Xinbiaodian School sends abroad hundreds of excellent students, thus providing important human resources for China’s growing power.◆ perfect service for studentsFor students’ convenience, Xinbiaodian School establishes 2 enquiry areas, one is on the 4rd floor of Haiyang building ,No. 18 Gaoxiong  Road,  and we will continue to establish other enquiry areas for students to enquire and study. Meanwhile, students can register online. And in order to enhance students’ enthusiasm, our school also provides large sums of scholarship.◆outreach serviceOur school provides a lot of conveniences for students to develop themselves after studying here, thus relieving their fear of trouble in the rear. We recommend the excellent ones to enterprises; we establish long-term friendly cooperation with formal overseas education and working agencies for students to study overseas, Au Pair, and work; and we cooperate with well-known universities , providing guidance and training for students to obtain continuing education diploma of junior college and higher education.Sticking to the principle of“faith, harmony, passion, development”, all the working staff in New Punctuation School perform their duties and work hard ,shouldering the responsibility of creating high-quality foreign language teaching environment. With our joint efforts, we pledge to provide you with the best foreign language training!


